Rock Stars

My kids are rock stars. Or super stars. Or shooting stars. The sun is a star. It's big and bright and powerful and untouchable. That's my kids. I am in awe of them. I am in awe of their brilliance and resilience and ability to manage all that life has thrown at them thus far.

My daughter was supposed to testify against her dad at the hearing where none of our voices were heard. I didn't tell her until the last minute, the day before the hearing. I didn't want her to have to worry about it or stress over anything until she absolutely had to. I sat her down and let her know she'd need to testify about the day her dad broke into the house and the other traumatic experiences she has had with him. I was prepared to comfort her, to offer her words of encouragement, to help her process what she would have to do. Here response was, "Finally!" and she began discussing what she should wear and if she should look sweet and innocent or tough and no-nonsense. I believe my jaw literally dropped.

I don't know why I was so surprised. The kids and I have been dealing with this kind of drama for a decade. It's just more public, now. She is as tired of having her voice go unheard as I am. She is traumatized and shows signs of it, but I am blown away by her more than not because of her strength and fortitude and determination. She is her mother's daughter, after all.

And my sweet son. He is the one who got shafted worst of all. Yet, he did not fuss or cry or throw a fit. He is traumatized and exhibits it in different ways than his sister, but he is also calm and resigned and as determined as the rest of us. We went to the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago and purchased some stone necklaces at a gift shop there. The necklaces were all different types of stones that professed to provide or enhance different personality traits or emotional qualities. He looked them all over carefully, and knew immediately which one he wanted when he saw it. It's a white stone and its "power" is Master Healer. He knew right away that was the one for him, for that is what he does, who he is.

For a few days after the hearing, the kids were amazingly kind and patient with each other and with me. They knew their mama had broken, was angry and hurt, and they banded together to bind my wounds. My son read books with me and scratched my back. My daughter cleaned the house and created a full "spa day" complete with me choosing from a breakfast menu and her running me a bubble bath using her own homemade "bath bombs". They sensed that I needed peace and calm at that time more than ever, and they created a safe space for me. I am supposed to do that for them. I am supposed to keep them safe and be there for them and be "strong enough" to never, ever break. But because I was not strong enough, because I broke for a little while, they served me and showed their love for me and we all became closer than ever.

Those are the kind of kids I have. Those are the things we are creating from what the adversary tries to destroy. They know how to love and give and serve. I have taught them that, their family and friends have taught them that, it is an inherent piece of who they are, and it will only get better and bigger the more we experience together.


  1. This makes my heart soar! Their souls are those of warriors fortified with love. That's the image I have of them. Underneath, they have the strength of warriors (like the stripping warriors!), wrapped up in their sweet bodies, and love that emanates from them. Such wonderful super-rock-shooting-sun stars!!! Loves!!

  2. You really do have amazing children!!!!

  3. You really do have amazing children!!!!


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