Important Notes


In the middle of making dinner today, I was sent on a scripture chase. The first section I opened up to was the word yoke in the Bible dictionary. I was encouraged to yoke myself to the Savior and he will lighten my load always. Next, I opened to the miracle of the widow and the oil, telling me that my physical needs will be provided for. Then, I turned to the part where the prophet Elisha blessed the woman to have a son. When the son was hurt and passed away, Elisha came and healed him. Those I love will be taken care of. Lastly, I turned to read about the army of Helamen where they had testimony given them that the Lord will give them all they need. This is what I've been asking for. This is what I've been given. As I have faith to apply it in my life, I will have all that I possibly can and more.


I'm on my way. I've received an opportunity to work for an attorney which will provide for my family in plenty while I continue to build my financial planning company. Part of me still struggles to trust it will actually happen. Little things pop up that cause me to pause and wonder if all will actually work out. Still working on that idea that I deserve these things and allowing myself to be free of the things and that places where I feel trapped. I'm glad I document moments like that above, so I can remember how Heavenly Father has already reassured me and helped me and answered my prayers. When I remember, I can ignore the negative thoughts or turn them into something new. I can remember that all will be well, that I have all that I need and more, and I expand in abundance, success, and love as I inspire others to do the same.


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