Myself, for Me

For me, it's not often about pedicures and spa days.

For me, 
it's sometimes curling into a ball under my desk 
and crying 
because there are too many moving pieces
and I can't do them all alone 
and third period was catastrophic 
and I need to feel and release the emotions 
so I can move on instead of holding them in to fester and make me sick. 

Sometimes, it's working a twelve-hour day with no extra pay so the catastrophe doesn't repeat itself 
and I can have peace of mind.

Sometimes, it's about putting the work away for a few minutes to write

Or waiting for the crowd on the beach to clear even if it's after dark so I can have some quiet water time 

                        all to myself.

Sometimes it's connecting with others, and sometimes it's being alone. 

Sometimes it's happy and energetic, 

And usually, it's quiet and reflective.

For me, it's seeing myself
and not worrying about what anyone else thinks it should be.


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