
I am learning. Little by little the layers are falling away, and my vision is becoming more clear. I had a really nice weekend. I didn’t think it was going to be as nice as it was, because I’m still very sick. There’s something about the sunshine, the water, that rejuvenates me. I’ll be feeling miserable, and then step outside, and immediately I can breathe. Sunshine feeds me. Nature feeds me. Water fuels me, more than I ever realized before. I need this. I have to figure out how to get it more often.

I spent time with my girlfriends this weekend, and my dear friend did a reiki session on me. It helped. I feel less burdened. I also feel more determined, like I have clearer vision for what I need to do. It includes meditation, stillness. I have to give my mind a break. I felt a deeper connection with my Heavenly Father than I have felt in a long time. I also felt my angels on the other side of the veil. They’re close. They’re always close. I need to seek stillness. I need to make it intentional. I need to put energy into making sure it happens for me. I have to do this, because if I don’t, I will break.

“Life isn’t about feeling good, it’s about learning how to be good at feeling.”

I like to find words that paint pictures. I like to look at something with my eyes and be able to speak it in my mind. I like to feel something in my heart and be able to describe it so that other people can feel it, too. But sometimes, there are no words. Sometimes feeling is enough. Sometimes seeing, and tasting, and touching, and just being, are enough.


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