Tight Rope


It's a tricky thing to keep. I am constantly swinging back and forth, shifting from one side to the other, frequently flailing my arms, desperate to stay on course. But, every once-in-a-while, I hit the mark. I'm centered, focused, on point. I've got this. Then, something or other or myself pushes me off-kilter and I am unsteady once more. That's okay, though. I always have my safety net. Lots of them. People and tools and helpers and reminders in all varieties catch me when I fall. I never fail to get back up onto the rope and keep trying, and my balance is improving. More and more often, I feel centered.

I know I'll never be perfectly balanced all the time. That's too high of an expectation. It's about progress, not perfection. Sometimes I'll slack off in my physical health, sometimes in my spiritual. Sometimes I'll let my obsessions and addictions have too much control. Sometimes I'll just plain get tired. But I'll get a little better at it each time I try. I'll learn a little more each time I fail. I'll climb a little farther each time I fall.

I'm figuring out what I really want and what is really important to me and how to get it. I'm making micro-changes that are adding up to lifestyle changes. I'm realizing, internalizing, that putting my spiritual health first in my day makes everything go better. I'm realizing, internalizing, that exercising helps me feel so much better than when I don't do it. These things are WORTH it. These things HELP. These things make it all EASIER when I do them. It's not hard to fit in reading my scriptures and saying my prayers when I remember they make me more focused and competent throughout the day. It's not inconvenient to make time to exercise when I recognize I get a lot more done with the energy and better attitude I have than I would have otherwise. It's not hard to limit technology and screen time when I realize what a better relationship I have with my children, others, and even myself when I don't overdo it.

As I've mentioned before, there are ways to get what we want if we'll do them. We have been given the tools and resources and knowledge we need. We just have to choose to recognize, believe, internalize, and choose to DO.

Just remember and do.
Breathe, center, remember, and balance.
We got this.

Time to rise.
Time to speak.
Time to soar.
Again. Still. Always. Over and over and over. And that's okay.


  1. This is beautiful. I love the imagery in this!

  2. When I went to yoga and tried to do the crazy poses, they always said to pick an immovable object to focus on... Don't watch someone else because they will fall and so will you; but focus on a mark on the wall and you will keep your balance. Then there is the talk Elder Cook just gave in conference where he said, "Jesus is the Mark!" when talking about 'looking beyond the mark' and making things more than they should be. (Jacob 4:14) Focus on The Mark and you will keep your balance. Thanks for connecting these two concepts for me! Mwah!


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