More Beautiful Things

After publishing my last blog post, I couldn't stop thinking about how precious and beautiful my connections with some people have become, so I wanted to expound on it a little more.

Last night, I reconnected with some good friends that I shared some special experiences with a little while ago. These people, who I really barely know, have opened up their hearts to me and I to them. We have only spent a total of about three days together, but we are family now. We forged a bond by sharing our authentic selves with one another, and that is priceless to me. Once again, I had the opportunity to witness their growth and be part of another significant moment with them. This fed my spirit.

Something similar happened a few days ago as I was struggling through my latest horrible day and decided to reach out to someone else I barely knew but felt prompted to connect with. I ended up laughing and smiling for a full two hours at the end of one of the worst days of my life because we took the opportunity to be genuine with each other. During that conversation, I felt more alive and free and happy than I had in a very long time. Again, priceless. What a phenomenon, to know someone for such a short time but truly get to know a piece of their soul.

And then there's my family. My caring, sweet, powerful, awe-inspiring family. They've watched me struggle. They've watched me fall. They've suffered with me and for me and have always been there, whenever I've given them the chance, to lift me back up again. They worried and prayed as I shrank farther away, as I lost myself and alienated others from me, and they loved me still. They had the courage to call me out on my crap, and the strength to carry me when I had nothing left to give. Now, they watch me come back to life and share in my joy as I re-discover myself and find peace once more. Oh how I love them all and am filled with gratitude that they are mine forever.

I also have extended family, friends at work, kind-hearted neighbors, and a plethora of others who I can call upon any moment and I know they will be there for me. People are so important to this life, this test we are experiencing. Yes, we need to have our own sense of self-worth and understand how special we are to our Creator as individuals, but we are also meant to forge these bonds, to make these connections, and to lift one another. My happiness need not depend on what other people do or say to or about me, but I can use those that inspire me to raise myself higher, and hopefully do the same for them.

I feel so much hope, as I awaken, and such excitement to rekindle old friendships and relationships, strengthen the ones I have, and develop those that are new as I rediscover me and what I can be for myself, and for others.


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