
If I were to rank the top three most difficult times of my life so far, it would go like this: 1. My divorce 2. Getting my masters degree as a full-time working single mama 3. The last two months with the move and starting two new jobs I know this move was the right thing. I know these jobs will be wonderful and fulfilling. But this part right now is so very heavy as I'm trying to seem competent without feeling that way and trying to figure out the ins and outs of the new spaces and places and faces. And it's heavy when society feels so against me as an educator and against me as a person trying to afford my rent and against me as a single woman trying to remain virtuous and raising kids by myself is hard and it gets really, really, really exhausting. Transitions are always tricky. I tried to prepare for that. Starting new jobs is tricky. I tried to prepare for those. But being in the middle of it all--I failed a little bit. I failed my students a little bit. I failed my kids ...