I had an interesting mindset shift recently. In my new career, there is a lot of encouragement and motivation and recognition of even small wins. Every time I have been contacted in my new career, it has been to praise and encourage or let me know I have been referred or specifially requested because of how well I have served previous clients. However, the first few months, even though all interaction had been positive, I found myself feeling heavy anxiety whenever any of the leadership wanted to speak to me. I quickly realized this was because in the past, whenever admin reached out it was because of a conflict or issue that had arisen that they wanted to address with me. Oftentimes, it was based on something that I hadn’t actually done “wrong” but that was construed as some sort of mistake on my part where I had to clarify, defend, and mediate. It didn’t happen frequently (until my last year with a different school and admin), but it still apparently left its mark. I am extremely gra...