Sliding Doors

My fiance has a term for days and moments where a decision changes the direction of your life. He calls them sliding door moments. Today was a sliding door day. It started with a wonderful group therapy meeting where I was able to share some of my story and perspectives and growth moments with a small group of women and we all came away inspired and edified. The women were glowing with light by the end of the meeting and I played an integral role in that. Not a bad beginning to the day. I realized something much bigger than me happened during that meeting and I received the impression that I had no idea the ripple effect I had just started. It reminded me of how, some years ago, I met with my stake president because I wanted to have an addiction recovery program a little closer to where I lived instead of having to drive so far away for meetings. That turned into thousands more people having access to the program and that man becoming the region supervisor of the program. He hadn'...