Stirring the Pond

I'm stirring the pond. I used to work so hard not to disturb the silt at the bottom. I used so much energy to keep the water clear, but the whole pond is boiling, now. It hurts and it's confusing and it's terrifying and it's amazing. My mind and body are in chaos with the shifting and digging and expelling. I no longer wish to be still. I no longer tolerate stagnation. I want to flow. I'm building a river. A river that leads to an ocean that once again becomes rivers and streams and rivers and oceans again until I reach the whole entire world. I won't be contained anymore. My body and mind are very confused by this. I always yearned for stability. I always wanted things to be predictable and under control. They never were, yet for some reason I would continually fight tooth and nail to try and make them that way. Now, I'm making tidal waves in my little pond and watching as they stretch and grow and I'm not exactly sure what impact they'll have or w...