
I transformed a trigger this weekend. It was amazing. I walked into the Turning Leaf level 4 seminar feeling so weighted down and overwhelmed with all my responsibilities. At one point, there was a scenario where we imagined ourselves in a completely new situation. It was supposed to frighten us, push out of our comfort zones, but I felt excited. I felt free of my responsibilities, and the idea of only having to care for my own survival was very appealing. I recently realized I can't do it all. There was a piece of me that always thought, "If I only spent less time on social media, if I only spent less time playing on my devices, I could fit everything in. It's my own fault I can't get everything done I need to do in a day." Then, for over a week, I put down my devices and discovered something terrifying: I really, truly can't do it all. That threw me for a loop. I always felt like it was my own fault that I wasn't invincible and able to do everyth...