My brain is still a dangerous place. I still get trapped there too often. I keep thinking I'll be safe there, that it's becoming more of a sanctuary than asylum, but then it reminds me that spinny is still its factory mode and the enhancements I have made only stay in place if I work to keep them there. The thing is, sometimes, I get tired. Sometimes I know why the spin is spinning and I can fix it, but other times I spin for reasons I can't figure out and I either have to wait or distract myself or force myself through the spinning and my head hurts and I get nauseous. It's tricky to force my eyes to focus and my steps to move forward when my mind tilts the world around me and falling seems so much easier. Sometimes I do fall into the vortex and I look up from its swirling depths and wonder if it will ever not be so hard anymore. Doesn't matter if it stays hard or gets easier. I'll still fight my way back out, regardless if the same teetering tight rope w...