
Yesterday, I was finally able to get the rest of my belongings from my old home. It's a beautiful home. My dream home, in fact. I designed it, with a very open floor plan, a huge pantry, a massive kitchen island. The colors are deep and peaceful and warm. There's a gas fireplace that's very cozy in the winters, and lots of windows to let in the natural light. The bedrooms are large, and the master closet is a walk-in wonder. The back yard opens up to the mountains, and it feels like a limitless play space for fun and exploration. I love that home. I put my soul into that home. And now, it's gone along with everything else connected to that life I once thought I was going to have. Yesterday, as the amazing crowd of helpers swooped through and helped me box and load all of mine and the kids' belongings, I stepped into an empty bedroom and cried. It hurts when dreams die. There is a quote by Elder Holland that I keep going back to over and over and over aga...