
I broke two hearts this week. This dating thing is so messy. But, as always, I'm learning lots of things. I'm learning how to be cautious, but also authentic. I'm learning I don't have to return the same kind of energy I'm receiving from them if I don't feel like reciprocating it. I'm learning how to maintain my boundaries, and how it's not worth it when I don't. I'm learning to finally internalize the lesson that consistently maintaining my own boundaries, even when I don't want to, honors others as well. It's hard work, though, to remember these things. But I feel good about myself. I'm glad that I am confident and genuine and kind and happy and fun. I'm glad that I am someone who is attractive to men. I feel flattered when they keep coming around, even when I have told them it's not going to work out. But it also makes me sad. I feel sad that they keep coming back because they can't find anything else that...