He took my voice again. Today, I prepared for a hearing wherein I was going to present evidence that showed his psychopathy, that showed how dangerous he is, that showed how emotionally and physically unsafe he is around our children. I prepared to protect them. I was ready. And then he took my voice. Again. I sat there for two hours while he spewed his lies across the stand, so thick and ridiculous you could almost see them dribbling down the face of the podium. He got two hours babbling away like he does, talking in circles and getting himself and the rest of us confused. He got TWO HOURS. I got nothing. Yep, at 5:00 pm the judge said, we're done, here's my verdict. Bye. At 5:00 pm the judge decided, based on ONE SIDE of the evidence, that my daughter was traumatized and my son was not, and my son would be forced to see his father without supervision and my daughter's visitation would have to be supervised. Well, partial victory, right? At least our daughter ...