I was talking to a friend the other day, explaining my maniacal laughing episode, and he gave me an idea that I like very much to describe what I'm going through: I'm detoxing. Once, the ex tried to get off his cocktail of medications cold turkey and I spent three days with him in the hospital as his body detoxed off of all the chemicals. He had cold sweats, stomach cramps, pain everywhere. It was the longest three days of both our lives up to that point. That is what is happening to me. I am emotionally detoxing. It hurts and I'm having reactions, but defining it as detoxing puts things in perspective. I understand it better. For the last ten years, I have been an addict. I have been emotionally addicted to my drug of choice: him. He controlled my everything, what I did, where I went, how I lived my life and who I was. I gave him this power willingly. He was my husband. He was my other half. He was my everything and I wanted him to be happy so I could be happy, but ...